Type d’emballage: 
BIDON EN ACIER  (25 kgs)

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Lemon Oil is a vibrant and refreshing essential oil extracted from the rinds of lemons. Known for its bright, citrusy aroma, this oil is cherished for its uplifting and invigorating properties. Lemon Oil is prized for its high purity and rich content of limonene, which contributes to its powerful cleansing and mood-enhancing effects. It is widely used in aromatherapy to promote mental clarity and reduce stress, as well as in natural cleaning products for its potent antiseptic and deodorizing qualities. Additionally, this oil is a popular ingredient in skincare formulations for its ability to tone and purify the skin, making it a versatile addition to any essential oil collection.

Sustainability Information

This product meets the "bio-based and/or natural products" characteristic because it is 100% Natural content per ISO 16128-1: 2016 and ISO 16128-2: 2016 guidelines, with a Natural Origin Index of 1.
Sustainable product
N° de produit 2041917
CAS 84929-31-7
Synonyms Citrus Limon (Lemon) Peel Oil
Caractéristiques de durabilité Natural or bio-based


Détails du produit

Nom du groupe
Earth Oils
Sub Group Name
Essential Oil-EO
Type d’emballage
Non Retournable

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