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Pentopan levert een verbeterde deegstabiliteit en een consistente deegkwaliteit voor speciale deegconditioneringstoepassingen. Het heeft een positief effect op het volume en het uiterlijk. Pentopan werkt vooral goed in toepassingen met een lage pH. Het is geschikt voor biologische producten. Pentopan geeft uw eindproducten meer volume, kruimelstructuur, bloei en zachtheid. Het is geschikt voor speciale deegconditioneringstoepassingen. U kunt Pentopan gebruiken voor alle soorten brood en gebak. Het levert superieure prestaties in toepassingen met een lage pH.
Sustainable product
Productnummer 1000826
CAS 9025-57-4
Synonyms xylanase
Applications Bakkerij, plat brood
Duurzaamheidskenmerken Natural or bio-based
  • Improved product volume
  • crumb structure and appearance: This product delivers increased volume and a more uniform crumb structure. It also improves softness and bloom. Good dough machinability and handling: Even after a long fermentation
  • this product delivers a dry and balanced dough with a high proofing tolerance. It also improves dough properties including stability
  • extensibility and gas retention. The result is better dough handling during production. Suitable for organic products: This product is suitable for use in production of organic baked goods
  • where it delivers improved softness. Suitable for organic products: This product is suitable for use in production of organic baked goods.



Sub Group Name
Detailed Packaging Description
Features and Benefits
Improved product volume, crumb structure and appearance: This product delivers increased volume and a more uniform crumb structure. It also improves softness and bloom. Good dough machinability and handling: Even after a long fermentation, this product delivers a dry and balanced dough with a high proofing tolerance. It also improves dough properties including stability, extensibility and gas retention. The result is better dough handling during production. Suitable for organic products: This product is suitable for use in production of organic baked goods, where it delivers improved softness. Suitable for organic products: This product is suitable for use in production of organic baked goods.

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