XIAMETER™ ACP-0001 Antifoam Compound

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XIAMETER™ ACP-0001 Antifoam Compound is a silicone foam control agent that is 100 percent active. Effective in both aqueous and nonaqueous systems, it can be used in concentrations as low as one part per million. This antifoam compound is specifically manufactured for industrial applications.

N° de produit 104679
Fournisseur Dow Inc.
Type D'Emballage IBC
CAS 63148-62-9
Synonymes Dow Corning Antifoam A Compound , Polydimethylsiloxane, Silicone Antifoam Compound, XIAMETER ACP 0001 Antifoam Compound
Applications Home Care; Industrial and Institutional Cleaning; Lubricating Oils; Metalworking Fluids; Pulp & Paper; Textile; Water Treatment
Caractéristiques 100% actives grey liquid with a dynamic viscosity of 1,500 centipoise
  • Effective in low concentrations
  • Easy to use


Détails du produit

Prohibited Uses
This product is neither tested nor represented as suitable for medical or pharmaceutical uses. For further information please refer to Dow's product safety page https://www.dow.com/en-us/support/product-safety.html

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