
Silicone elastomers are a group of silicone materials that are heat stable and offer good resistance to extreme temperatures (ranging from -100 to 300° C). They come in many different forms and grades. Silicone elastomers are known for their moldability and use across many different industries and applications and are generally available in virtually any color.
Typically, silicone elastomers are used in various applications, from automotive applications, food preparation, electronics, and other industrial uses.
Univar Solutions is a global chemical distributor that offers a variety of silicone elastomers. Check all the options!
Silicone elastomers are a group of silicone materials that are heat stable and offer good resistance to extreme temperatures (ranging from -100 to 300° C). They come in many different forms and grades. Silicone elastomers are known for their moldability and use across many different industries and applications and are generally available in virtually any color.
Typically, silicone elastomers are used in various applications, from automotive applications, food preparation, electronics, and other industrial uses.
Univar Solutions is a global chemical distributor that offers a variety of silicone elastomers. Check all the options!
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