
1 Item

Product Name Supplier Grade Package Type Weight Billing Price Price (Package)
Polybor Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate, Technical Grade, Crystal, 50 lb Bag US BORAX & CHEMICAL Technical Bag 50.00 lbs $5.66 / LB $283.01 $283.01
Polybor Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate, Technical Grade, Crystal, 50 lb Bag
Web Price

$283.01 / BAG
($5.66 / LB)
  • $283.01/BAG each if you buy 1-39
  • $193.01/BAG each if you buy 40-119
  • $186.01/BAG each if you buy 120-399
  • $185.01/BAG each if you buy 400+
7-10 business days

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Product Octaborate

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